Everything was normal, things were progressing and we just went on with our lives, without any complaints and wishes. A monotonous rail of life came to the pandemic station and it was pure chaos. We took shelter while the invincible force took us apart, brought us down to our knees. A life of straight line came to a full stop and our mental health was unequipped .
During this challenging time, surviving another day was a blessing or maybe the virus is saving it for last. During war times, we chose the path of ignorance and socially accepted productivity. Though “Ignorance is bliss” , this spectrum of ignorance was dangerous . To change ourselves we took the same path that we usually do, which was short term and had its own set of consequences. There was no escape altogether. We were cornered and we had no idea what to do. It’s dark, scary and every time we think about one thought out of our shell, we break down completely. Is there no end to this? What have we done to deserve this ? Is this the end? A not-so-glorious end to the food chain dominant species.
Sit back, breath in and breathe out !
Hands are trembling by the thought but let us peel out the shell of our monotonous journey, one layer at a time. The ignorance, the attitude and the overcompensating pride. Let our thoughts be naked and let us accept the darkness that is upon us. Feels heavy and even more scarier than imagined. It’s okay! Let it flow, let us do the one thing that is important right now, Acceptance .
Let us accept the consequences that comes with this pandemic, let it catch up with the ones we lost touch, let us say goodbye to the departed and let us embrace the people we have with us, accept their love and become a human again. Let us do things for ourselves and let our vulnerabilities out. Getting help is not so bad after all. We are in this together, we may not be together when this is all over. We are here, let’s make sure we make the most out of our lives now and peel off our old shell, embrace a humane one.