Will LIFE make a comeback?
When will the vaccine launch in India?
When will we surpass the virus?
When will this chronic situation subside?
When will this new normal feel really normal?
When will life be the same again?
Are the most commonly asked questions on the internet and in person.
Every morning we wake up with constant thoughts — Is this all just a nightmare? Weren’t we just dreaming but everything, by far, is okay? If not, when will this pandemic end?
Not because we are worried about the death toll rising, not even because we are bored doing household chores. But, maybe, because it kills to stay at home and step out, concurrently.
This is definitely not the kind of life we ever imagined even in our gravest thoughts. It just arrived without notice only to sway us away with daunting and prolonged surprises. We weren’t ready then we aren’t trained even now. Jobs are at stake as much as lives are. Vaccines are still under progress, worst is yet to come, the year feels never-ending.
So, will life ever make a comeback? If yes, how soon can it return to being normal? Honestly, none of us know. There’s no antidote to peaking into the future to find out what’s in store for us in 2021.
Lockdowns and social distancing shook our everyday activities, but they gave birth to new ones, too. You found time to invest in your side hustle you always complained having no time for. That most expensive trilogy you bought with a hope to read them in one go, you finally got the time to open it in pandemic. You always blamed the cook for not preparing the dish as per the recipe you checked on YT, now you know what goes behind putting together a perfect meal for one. Isn’t this a strange, but a not-so-bad normal we were longing for?
Remember how we uplift our mood with those inspiring, and sometimes brainwashing quotes on Instagram? Though they serve the temporary purpose, but it feels good to believe in something that makes you happy for that one moment. Life, today, is about believing in the good and being hopeful. Also, grateful. Let’s make everyday about finding a new purpose along with inculcating a new habit. We have come a long way and we have miles to go. But nothing stops us from looking forward to a new day when the sun will rise to a no-masks-anymore day.